• Our clinic generally allocates one hour per patient. Please make an appointment by phone.
  • Online booking is available for first-time patients.
  • If you are experiencing severe pain or have an urgent issue, please call us and come in immediately.
    Depending on your symptoms, you may receive temporary treatment.
  • First-time visitors and those returning after a while should arrive 15 minutes before their appointment time.
    You will need to register your insurance card and fill out a medical questionnaire.
  • Depending on the day's circumstances, you may have to wait in the waiting room. Thank you for your understanding.

Treatment process

  • We will conduct a comprehensive examination of your mouth.
    We will take X-rays.
    We will check for cavities, plaque buildup, occlusion, tooth mobility, and the depth of periodontal pockets.
    We will conduct saliva and periodontal disease tests to determine your susceptibility to cavities and periodontal disease.
    If you are in pain, we will provide emergency treatment.
  • We will make a diagnosis based on the examination results.
    We will develop and explain a treatment plan tailored to you.
  • Treatment will start with basic procedures.
    Removing bacteria from the teeth is key to treatment.
    We will also provide guidance on preventive home care.
    After basic treatment, we will proceed with oral restorative treatment.
    This includes cavity treatment, crowns, occlusion adjustments, specialized periodontal treatment, and orthodontic treatment.
  • Once treatment is stabilized, we will conduct a re-examination.
    We will check for any issues. If there is inflammation, we will return to treatment.
    If there is no inflammation, we will proceed to regular check-ups (maintenance).
  • We will prevent any deterioration beyond the current stable condition.
    By confirming home care and providing professional care from dentists and dental hygienists, we will help you "eat with your own teeth for life."
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