Certified Periodontist and Instructor by the Japanese Society of Periodontology
Certified Specialist by the Japanese Society of Oral Implantology
are available and in charge of treatment

About Implants

“Dental Implant” is a the treatment to set artificial teeth after artificial root attach to jawbone.
It is possible for you to get great looks and recover from mastication function again.

The troubles like “I can’t chew well,” ”I can’t smile in public,” “unclear pronunciation,” and ”looks older” are going to be resolved.

Differences of Implants from the others

Dental bridges and removable partial dentures or full dentures have been used so far, but in that case, we should polish even healthy tooth next to missing tooth.
In addition, adjustment of full dentures is hard and fitting is not good.

If one tooth is lost, we will only replace it and will not polish the others.

If you had lost some teeth, we will plant some implants and connect them.

If you had lost the whole set of teeth, we will also plant some implants and connect them.

References: Poster of straumann®


Step1-1.Examination and diagnosis for full mouth and treatment plan

First of all, we will find out the reason through examination, why you lost teeth; taking X-ray and photographs, and diagnosis of cavities, periodontitis and occlusion.
We also make treatment plan to keep teeth, after that, we begin to treat decayed tooth and periodontitis or prevent them. While them, we will consider implant treatment plan.

Step1-2.Clear explanation
  • Treatment plan
  • Term of treatment
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Cost

We will explain about those clearly and enough.

Step1-3.Special examination for implant treatment

We make model of inside of your mouth and take X-ray for examination.
After that, we check condition of your whole body and our director make a treatment plan with straumann® guided surgery system.
If you have chronic disease, we contact your doctors enough.
We will decide correct place where we plant implants.

first photographs


We operate to embed fixture, the base of artificial tooth, in clean operating room with straumann® guided surgery system.

We also use local anesthesia and sedation method with laughing gas so you do not feel pain during surgery.
Simultaneously, we monitor of your blood pressure, pulse, oxygen concentration in the vein and electrocardiogram.


We have to wait for 3 months usually because the fixture connects your bone. During that, we check the condition.
There is a method which setting post crown when we embed fixture.

Analysis with the digital camera Photo:

Step4.Setting post crown

We recover your occlusion as same degree as healthy tooth.
To make natural post crown, we analyze the color of tooth and gum with photographs.

Photo: implant treatment after


Maintenance is important to keep your implants for life.
In our office, dental hygienists provide professional care and tell you how to home care.
So, we want you to come to our office once a two or six months to keep your implants with home care and professional care.

Flowchart of implant treatment


  • Examination and treatment plan
  • Clear explanation
  • Special examination for implant treatment


Embedding (operation)


Waiting for the fixture connects with your bone


Setting post crown



Characters of our implant treatment

We will provide top-class treatment internationally.

Hardware and software which correspond every symptoms correctly are established..

Picture of operating room

1.Operating room and equipment which fit with implant surgery

Operating room is cleaned by special filter; as shown from the arrow in the picture.

We set large sink in the room to wash operator’s hand and arm perfectly.

There is a shadow-less light with camera which kindles inside of mouth.
Operator and assistants look video from the cameras while operation and the video will be saved and be useful to treatments after operation.

This room is also X-ray room because leaden is embedded in wall, so we take a X-ray even in the middle of operation.

Entrance is double door

There is a large light box to diagnose CT.
Three dimensional X-ray images are used for making surgery plan, explanation and confirmation during operation.

We monitor patient’s pulse, blood pressure and oxygen concentration in the vein taken during operation.

We monitor patient’s pulse, blood pressure and oxygen concentration in the vein taken during operation.

We will keep understanding how to get you calm with laughing gas, so you can receive operation or treatment at ease.
Even in emergency, we can correspond smoothly because there is oxygen supply ports.

It is special vacuum which pumps up blood, saliva and irrigation water.
The vacuum has higher suction power than normal dental vacuum, so it does not clogged up.

 2.Our goal, “keeping your implants for life.”

We practiced and successfully achieve the program, “Eat by your own teeth for life,” through treatment and prevention of decayed tooth or periodontal disease.
Similarly, we recommend you to use implants for your life.

  • First of all, we make treatment plan of your mouth after checking your oral condition.
  • The top priority is control of periodontal disease like pyorrhea alveolaris to get long term success.
    It is obvious that bacteria of periodontal disease will invade implants if you do not treat periodontal disease.
  • We examine the reasons why you had lost your teeth, and then, we will treat the remaining teeth to prevent it from happening again.
    In addition with implant treatment, it could let your teeth add longer time.
    This is the implant treatment to keep your teeth for life.
  • After the implant treatment is completed, we perform maintenance to ensure that the implants last as long as possible (ideally for a lifetime).

After implant treatments, you should receive maintenance to keep your implants for long term, if it is possible, for life.
It is important to removal bacteria from your mouth so we want you to learn how to care at home.
In addition, doctors and dental hygienists provide professional care every two or six months.

If you receive implant surgery with poor treatment for periodontal disease or you do not receive maintenance, inflammation will be caused around implants relatively, about 10 years after. This is becoming clear and periodontal disease is one of the cause of losing implants.

Like our case, however, the inflammation will hardly occur again because of enough treatments and prevention for periodontal disease.
This is also clear.

Bacteria cause decayed tooth and periodontal disease and it became possible to use our own tooth for life by wiping out the bacteria.

We practice the maintenance program, so we can achieve our goal “keeping your implants for life.”

3.The highest rated implant system in the world.

A large number of manufacturer make so many kinds of implants now.
Most of implants made of titanium because titanium combines with bone, called osseointegration.

We use implants of straumann® .
They got the highest grade and have abundant data, so the system is useful and has great precision.
A lot of top doctors use this system, so we can get Information as the degree.
If you move to another place, you can receive the follow-up because it spreads throughout the world.

We think high degree implant treatment needs high rated implant system.

4.Clean surgery with perfect infection control.

We plant fixtures into bone by Implant surgery.
At that time, it is very important to prevent patients from bacteria not to infect.
Under dirty condition, there is also possibility, rejection will occur.

Surgeries are operated in a sanitary condition surgically to prevent you from infectious disease and to get surgery success.
We will cover you with sterilized suit in clean room and operators wear sterilized surgical suit and globes with their hands cleaned.

(Both the assistants and patients are in a surgically sterile state)

There was a very shocking news story about a patient who experienced LASIK surgery for myopia in an ophthalmology clinic and then developed an infection such as keratitis (2009). This happened because the surgery was not performed in a surgically sterile environment.

However, it is very unfortunate that similar cases seem to occur in dental practices, such as implant surgeries performed in dental clinic uniforms, surgeries performed next to treatment chairs where cavities are being treated, and the use of non-sterilized instruments for implants.

Performing implant surgery in a surgically sterile environment is costly, but it is medically essential. At our clinic, we strictly adhere to this practice.

(A sterilization room equipped with six autoclaves)

5.Background of high success rate for implant treatments; more than 99% success rates.
We will handle any hard cases.

The first time our director operated implant treatment was in 1993 when he worked in faculty of dentistry of Nagasaki university.
He already has the experience of over 15 years, at present, operates 60 cases a year; it means about 100 implants.
what difficult cases correctly.

The doctor and dental hygienists has a lot of experiences and received training enough.
For example, our director has the degree of specialist of periodontal disease and degree of director.

In Europe and America, the specialists lead implant treatment because it is necessary to be familiar about periodontal treatment, to get long term success of implant treatment. The degrees are also background as surgeon.

Our director attend societies about implant, five national societies like Academy of Osseointegration and International Team for Implantology, and then, participates in three societies in Japan. He and staffs attend and present in their meetings pasotively.

And that, he always gather the latest information through six kinds of national journals written in English and he is a vice-president of ITI study club Kyusyu.
Moreover, our vice-director is a member of Japanese Society of Periodontology and Japanese Society of Oral Implantology, and two hygienists are certificated by Japanese Society of Periodontology and a hygienist is certificated by Japanese Society of Oral Implantology.
Six skilled hygienists support our treatments.

They study to increase their knowledge about implantology through study session in office, seminars, academic meetings and presentations.
Sometimes, our director and staffs are asked for lectures by colleges or study groups because of our high rated implant treatment.

We think that our high level treatments are supported by enough experiences, actual results and excellent staffs.

Our director’s presentation in American Academy of Periodontology


At our clinic, we accurately address all difficult cases. For example, in cases where the bone has dissolved, we use "bone augmentation surgery." When there is no bone in the upper molar area, we perform a "sinus lift surgery." For the front teeth, we perform "aesthetic implants" that are indistinguishable from natural teeth.

It is generally said that implants for periodontitis have a high long-term risk, but since we thoroughly control periodontitis before performing implants, such risks are reduced.

"Is it true that implants can't be done for the upper teeth?" or "Can't implants be done for the front teeth?" are questions we are often asked. This is likely because the upper teeth often have a thin bone due to the presence of the maxillary sinus, and implants for the front teeth must be aesthetically pleasing, making them considered difficult cases.

At our clinic, we perform implant treatments in such areas without any issues.

Case1. Implant treatment to severe periodontitis; losing some tooth
First time

Because of hard periodontitis, this patient has loose tooth and swollen gum.

After implant trearment

Treatment for periodontitis and implant are finished, there are no loose tooth and periodontitis is cured.
We set implants into parts which extracted tooth, so he could become biting.
In our clinic,you will not lose your tooth and implants because we control implant treatment with certain periodontal treatment.

X-ray images
Case2. Implant treatment to severe periodontitis; losing all upper tooth
At the start of implant treatment

This patient lost all upper tooth because of severe periodontitis.

After implant treatment

He became to be able to bite without denture, and finished periodontal trearment.
We want this him to use implants for life.

X-ray images
Case3. Implant treatment to severe periodontitis, decayed tooth and wrong occlussion
At the start of implant treatment; during periodontal treatment

Unfortunately, we have no choice but to extract except from two upper tooth because of hard periodontitis, decayed teeth and wrong occlussion.

After implant treatment

He will be able to eat everything without dentures and the look of his mouth will look good.
We treat periodontitis correctly so that he can keep his own tooth. It is recommended to use implant for life.

X-ray images
Case4. Sinus lift surgery

When there is no bone in the upper molar area, we perform bone augmentation within the maxillary sinus.

Reference “nico” by Quintessence Publishing

Sinus lift surgery

If patients have no bone under his upper back tooth, we will operate art of bone development in sinus.

(At the Start of Implant Treatment )

At the start of implant treatment

We’ve done art of bone development in sinus; part of hatched lines.

Bone Augmentation

After implant treatment

The bone is devoloped enough, so we can set implnats tightly and can be seen clearly on a cut surface of CT.
We can operate implant treatment in any hard cases like lacking bone.

↑Implant Placement Area
X-ray Photo
X-ray Photo(CT)
Case5. Esthetic implant treatment
Before surgery

This patient has a missing left upper teeth.


It looks like his own teeth by esthetic implant surgery; we set implant and transplanted connected tissue.

↑Input buoy implant
X-ray images

Like these cases, we would like you to receive high rated implant treatment for your oral health.
If you have any questions, please feel free to come by all means.

what's new

Introduced SLActive®.

At our hospital, we have newly introduced SLActive®. The implant is twice as fast and adheres more easily to the bone.

Introduced dental comb-beam CT, digital cephalometric, and digital pantomo complex machines.

We provide safe and secure dental care.
3D (three-dimensional) imaging has become possible, making it possible to make more accurate diagnoses.

As for Digital Pantomo and Digital Cephalometric, the exposure dose was reduced to 1/24.

I started making dentures using the locator system.

With a small number of implants, the dentures are firmly fixed.
Compared to normal dentures and implant dentures using conventional burs, there are the following advantages.

normal dentures
implant dentures with burs
  • Since the implants are embedded as a support that is firmly fixed , the dentures are difficult to come off and fall off while eating.
  • Removable It
    is firmly fixed, but it is easy to put on and take off. Therefore, it is easy to clean.
  • It can be used for a long time
    and is easy to care for, so it can be used for a longer period of time than conventional dentures.
  • Because it is a simple system that can be created relatively cheaply
    the number of implants can be reduced.

If you are having trouble with your current dentures or are interested, please feel free to contact our clinic.

Introduced Straumann ® Guided Surgery.
A system for implant surgery.
It has the advantage of shortening the time of the surgery itself and making the surgery more accurate and safe.

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