Yoshitomi, a hygienist, will make a presentation at the 66th Autumn Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Periodontology.

At the 66th Autumn Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Society of Periodontology, which will be held from October 13th to 14th, Yoshitomi, a hygienist from our clinic, will make a presentation. He would like to make a useful presentation on oral hygiene instruction.

Our staff participated in the annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Clinical Periodontology.

Our staff participated in the 41st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Clinical Periodontology held from June 24th to 25th. For the staff who participated, the lectures were useful in their daily practice, and they were able to learn about the latest dental treatment. I would like to share the newly acquired knowledge in the hospital, aim to improve the skills of the staff, and provide better medical care to patients.

We have added a new facility to our website.

We introduce the equipment used in our hospital.
For more information, see "In-hospital facilities" .

Dr. Ichimaru gave a lecture at the Nagasaki University Clinical Training Seminar.

Dr Ichimaru gave a lecture at the Nagasaki University Clinical Training Seminar on March
30. He talked about the treatment performed at our clinic for severe cases of periodontal disease. Even severe periodontal disease can be cured by thoroughly removing the bacteria in the mouth and performing surgical treatment and chewing treatment. Implant treatment can also be effective for missing teeth. In addition, maintenance can prevent recurrence of periodontal disease. In recent years, with proper treatment, tooth loss due to cavities and periodontitis is rare. If you have any questions, please contact our clinic.

We participated in the Japanese Society of Clinical Periodontology Kyushu Branch Workshop.

On March 5th, the Japanese Society of Clinical Periodontology Kyushu Branch 2nd Branch Education Workshop was held in Fukuoka City, and the Dr. Ichimaru, Dr. Yamaguchi and 4 hygienists participated.
The first half was a lecture by a member of the Japanese Academy of Clinical Periodontology, and it was mainly about regenerative therapy. The importance of brushing teeth and how to use an ultrasonic scaler were easy for young hygienists to understand and were very helpful. In a special lecture by Dr. Atsuo Amano, he talked about etiology of tooth decay and periodontal disease, preventive methods, and scaling and debridement. Dr. Amano also said that cavities cannot be cured by scraping and filling them, and to prevent cavities, 1) fluoride, 2) diet, and 3) brushing.
At our clinic, we provide guidance on the appropriate use of fluoride, tooth brushing methods, and dietary habits to prevent tooth decay according to individual risk and age. Some people were told that they had no choice but to pull out due to severe periodontal disease. Please consult our clinic.

Dr Ichimaru gave a presentation at Nagasaki University School of Dentistry Domon-kai.

On February 18th, Dr Ichimaru and Dr Yamaguchi attended a Nagasaki University of Dentistry Domon-kai held at Nagasaki University. Dr Ichimaru gave a presentation of “Strategy for stage4 periodontitis”. They graduated from Nagasaki University School of Dentistry. It was held on-site for the first time in a while due to the influence of the COVIT-19. It was a very meaningful meeting as the dentists were able to actively exchange opinions. I would like to continue to participate in the development of my alma mater.

We set up a new air conditioner in operation room.

We set up a new air conditioner in operation room on January. It uses heap filter t on the ceiling that can cut 99.7% of 0.3 micron bacteria. Normally, it is said that there are 100,000 to 200,000 bacteria in the air, but the number of bacteria in the air is reduced after 15 minutes of operation. It has the same level of cleaning effect as that used in university hospital operating rooms. At our office, we perform surgical operation such as tooth extraction and implant surgery, so you can surgery on comfortable if you have surgery at our office.

Dr. Ichimaru gave a lecture at the Nagasaki University Clinical Training Seminar.

Dr Ichimaru gave a lecture at the Nagasaki University Clinical Training Seminar on January 31. He talked about how to diagnose periodontal disease and surgery, orthodontic, prosthetic based on periodontal treatment for graduate students. We hope that the graduate students were able to learn about our approach to periodontal treatment from the results of our case. We wish you all the best in your future as a dentist.

Dr Ichimaru passed the Saga Diabetes Educator Examination.

In January 2023, the director, Ichimaru, passed the Saga Diabetes Educator examination and was certified. Did you know that diabetes and periodontal disease are closely related? Diabetes is prone to periodontal disease and hastens the deterioration of periodontal disease. Periodontal disease also exacerbates diabetes. However, it is known that thorough periodontal treatment can suppress the aggravation of periodontal disease even in diabetes and improve diabetes. At our clinic, we aim to improve the oral health and physical health of our patients, and we provide specialized dental treatment and comprehensive treatment for all jaws and the whole body. I treat these things as a periodontist and a diabetes treatment instructor.

Director Ichimaru gave a lecture at the 3rd ITI SC Saga/Nagasaki in 2022.

The 3rd ITI SC Saga-Nagasaki 2022 was held in Saga City on Saturday, December 3rd. This time, Ichimaru, director of ITI SC Saga and Nagasaki, and two core members gave lectures. In this lecture, we talked about how to incorporate digital systems in dental treatment and the management of aesthetic treatment along with actual cases. There was also a question and answer session at the meeting, and there were many scenes where the teachers exchanged opinions with each other. In the future, I would like to actively participate in such study groups and connect them to my daily medical treatment.

Director Ichimaru made a presentation at the American Academy of Periodontology.

Director Ichimaru made a presentation at the 108th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Periodontology held in Arizona, USA from October 27th to 30th. This time, we talked about the treatment for the disease around the implant that we are doing at our clinic. Peri-implant disease can lead to implant loss. In addition, there is still no established treatment. Therefore, it has become a big problem internationally. Since the cases at our hospital have been recovering very well, we were able to attract the interest of foreign doctors. In addition, he was able to directly exchange opinions with many doctors, and he was able to learn about the difficult current situation of the treatment of diseases around implants. Our control of most peri-implant diseases was praised as “Amazing”. He would like to make use of this experience in my daily medical treatment.

Our staff participated in the district dental association clinical seminar.

On November 12th (Saturday), 9 staff members of our hospital participated in the clinical seminar of Miyaki-Tosu District Dental Association. This time, we took a course on pediatric oral dysfunction, which has recently been featured in the media. Pediatric oral dysfunction is a condition in which oral functions are not sufficiently developed for eating, speaking, and breathing in children. By participating in this seminar, we was able to learn how to solve the problem of declining oral functions in children today. At our clinic, we have started a new attempt to respond to pediatric oral dysfunction. If you have any concerns not only about your teeth but also about your mouth, please feel free to contact us.

Introduced lip closure measuring device

We have introduced a new lip closure measuring device for children, “Ripple-kun”.This instrument can measure the muscle strength around the lips and mouth and express it as a numerical value. Today's children often eat soft meals and chew their food less frequently, so the number of children with insufficient development of oral functions such as "eating, speaking, and breathing" is increasing. In order to prevent such a decline in oral function, our clinic measures the muscle strength around the mouth, checks the correct posture, and conducts muscle training for the muscles around the tongue and mouth. If you have any concerns about your child's oral health, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Director Ichimaru gave a lecture at the Japanese Society of Oral Implantology

The 52nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Oral Implantology was held from September 23rd to 25th. Director Ichimaru gave a lecture at a special symposium. He will explain the new classification of peri-implant diseases established by the American and European Society of Periodontology in 2017 and He explained how the new classification was introduced and applied in our hospital. The general discussion was a great opportunity to exchange opinions with the participating teachers. We would like you to make use of what you have learned at this year's Implant Society in your daily medical practice, to reliably treat peri-implant diseases, and to use implants in a healthy state for a long time.

Our Staff participated in the 65th Spring Meeting of the Japanese Society of Periodontology.

The 65th Spring Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Periodontology was streamed on demand, and our dental hygienist attended from June 20th to July 20th. At the dental hygienist symposium, the topic was "basic knowledge of the female body that dental hygienists should know". In women, the environment in the mouth changes due to hormonal balance. It is said that due to the influence of female hormones, inflammation of the gums, an increase in periodontal bacteria, and alveolar bone may be dissolved. There are many times when it is difficult for women to control plaque, but we will notice small changes in the patient at that time, give advice on oral care, and provide solid professional care. If you have any problems with your mouth, please consult our clinic.

Dr. Ichimaru, the dean, gave a lecture at the Nagasaki University Clinical Training Seminar.

On Thursday, June 23rd, Dean Ichimaru gave a lecture at the Nagasaki University Clinical Training Seminar. The dean serves as a clinical professor at Nagasaki University. The seminar was attended primarily by faculty members from Nagasaki University and practicing physicians. In this seminar, we discussed the importance of maintenance in dental implants and presented on the maintenance procedures carried out at our clinic. Just like natural teeth, implants need to be kept clean to ensure their long-term health and maintenance. Post-implantation care is the most crucial aspect. At our clinic, we perform implantation surgeries and also provide regular cleaning for implants after they are placed. Let's keep implants healthy for enjoying a proper bite and meals.
For more information about dental implants, please refer to the 'Implants' section.

We gave a lecture at a study session of the Saga Medical Practitioners Association.

Dr. Ichimaru, Dr. Yamaguchi, LDH Ogawa and LDH Yoshidomi gave a lecture at the Dental Study Group hosted by the Saga Medical Practitioners Association held at Abance Hall in Saga City on Thursday, June 16th. This time, in the final of the three-part series, they talked about periodontal treatment and surgical treatment performed. It was held on-site and on-web, helping many participated. we encourage to participate in academic societies and study sessions. Please see "Activity " for academic activities.

Director Ichimaru will give a lecture at the annual meeting of Japanese Society of Oral Implantology.

Director Ichimaru will give a lecture at the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Oral Implantology, which will be held at the Nagoya Congress Center from September 23 to 25, 2022. He would like to give a lecture that will be useful for the development of implant treatment.

The surgery vacuum has been renewed.

This vacuum has two tanks and has the same capacity as the one used in the medical department. It also has suction power and does not clog, so we can concentrate on surgery with confidence. And this vacuum is divided into two circuits at the suction tip. By properly using the nozzle that sucks in the place where the surgery is performed and in other places, the surgery can be performed more cleanly. Surgical treatment is more often accompanied by bleeding than general treatment, so a suction device (vacuum) that has stronger suction power and does not clog is required. Our hospital performs 2-3 operations every week. We also perform wisdom tooth extractions, which are said to be impossible in general dentistry. If you have any symptom of concern, please feel free to contact us.

Introduced a new type of extraoral vacuum as a measure against corona

The extraoral vacuum in the clinic has been replaced with the latest model. It can be turned on and off without touching the switch and is clean. The suction power also becomes stronger, and it absorbs floating viruses and dust generated during treatment, passes through a HEPA filter, becomes virus-free, and is taken outdoors. It minimizes viruses that fly into the air during dental treatment and prevents corona infections. Since it has an LED light, you can have a bright medical examination.

The machine in the machine room has been updated to the latest

The machine room has been renewed. Our machine room has a large space and is well maintained, so you can have clean and safe medical treatment. In the machine room, there are dental suction, which is a machine that sucks saliva, blood and water from the machine, a dental compressor that compresses air, suction for extraoral vacuum, and a dental dryer that sends clean air. Separator and suction for technical work are available to support your medical care. Since a HEPA filter is attached to the extraoral suction this time, it is a virus-free exhaust and is perfect for corona countermeasures.

Our measure for COVIT19.

At our hospital, all staff are careful not to get COVIT19. We are working on measures against COVIT19 so that patients can go to the hospital. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Please check our ”COVIT19/Infection control” for details.

Vice-director Dr. Yamaguchi have certificated as a ITI Section Japan certified specialist for implantology

Director Ichimaru has also been acquired, and now we have two implant specialists in our hospital. Yamaguchi has a wealth of knowledge and experience as a specialist, and will continue to strive to provide higher levels of treatment to many patients. If you have any question about implant and oral problems, Please contact us.

We have strengthened measures to prevent nosocomial infections of the new coronavirus. We also considered the dental treatment that should be performed at this time.

Please check our blog for details

We are thorough in hospital infection control for COVID19.

We are thoroughly taking measures against the COVID19 so that everyone can receive dental treatment at our hospital with peace of mind. At our hospital, we have taken thorough measures against nosocomial infections based on the principle of standard precautions. For example, in order to block the contact infection route, we sterilize and disinfect patients and instruments for each procedure. In addition, we strive to prevent airborne and droplet infections, which are the infection routes of the COVIT19.
Please check our blog for details.

We added microscope and airflow

We have introduced a third microscope in our hospital. We are able to give ultra-precision treatment for more patients. We have introduced NSK airflow. Airflow doesn’t damage your teeth and allows you to quickly remove biofilm in areas that cannot be reached with a brush. NSK airflow can use hot water, so we think that people with hyperesthesia will have less stains on their teeth.

We introduced TRIOS

TRIOS is the latest device that can scan the oral cavity in 3D. The silicone tooth molding is prone to vomiting reflex, which is a heavy burden on the patient but TRIOS is less discomfort and it has become possible to perform molding speedily.

Director Ichimaru became a clinical professor at Nagasaki University.

Director Eiji Ichimaru took office as a clinical professor at Faculty of Dentistry, Nagasaki University in April 2019.We were evaluated by the academic, clinical and educational achivements we have built up. I would like to continue to contribute to the development of research, education, and clinical practice in Nagasaki University and we will continue to improve our hospital.

Introduced orthodontic treatment using a mouthpiece

If you have worries about a row of teeth, please consult us. Use a mouthpiece-type orthodontic appliance to move the teeth to the proper position. Unlike conventional wire braces, it is less noticeable and can be removed, making it easy to clean your teeth. At our hospital, it is even more secure because it is corrected after firmly controlling dental caries and periodontal diseases. ※Source: Invisalign

Certified as a clinical training facility by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.

We have been certified as a clinical training facility by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and received a certificate. It means that the training program for doctors who conduct clinical training at our hospital and our facilities have been recognized as having sufficient ability as a medical institution to train clinical residents. There are two clinical training instructors. We desire to train dentists who will contribute to society in the future.
In addition, the university has fully evaluated the achievements of our hospital, and we were able to receive such a certificate. We are a cooperative dental clinical training facility of Nagasaki University Hospital. Why don't you join our program?

Dr. Ichimaru have certificated as a ITI Section Japan certified specialist for implantology

Dr. Ichimaru have certificated as a ITI Section Japan certified specialist for implantology ITI stands for The International Team for Implantology and is the most large academic society of the international implant science in the world. As a specialist based on the acquired knowledge, he will continue to provide scientifically-based treatment for the oral health of each patient. We will continue to study further. Please contact us if you have any dental problems.

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