a.To keep oral health for life ~Preventive treatment for babies and children~
Oral health is connected to general health.
If people receive dental treatment from when they are children, it is possible
that they keep a lot of permanent teeth and enjoy meals with their own
teeth even when they get old.
According to statistics, over 24 years olds seldom have new decayed teeth.
From when they are children, preventive treatment is important to protect
their healthy teeth.
Growing children tend to have decayed teeth but teeth are going to be strong.
After the age of 20, the number of new decayed teeth decrease dramatically.
Reference Text of child dentistry
b. Decayed teeth prevention Scheme of decayed teet
The Formation of Tooth Decay
When the bacteria in the plaque on the teeth consume sugar, they produce
"acid." This acid then dissolves the teeth and causes tooth decay.
Tooth decay cannot be reversed. In children, tooth decay progresses quickly,
and the treatments can be challenging for them. Therefore, prevention is
crucial to avoid tooth decay.
The susceptibility to tooth decay varies from person to person. Having
a high number of cavity-causing bacteria in the mouth increases the risk
of developing tooth decay.
At our clinic, we conduct a "saliva test (i-Caries test)" to examine the quantity and quality of saliva, as well as the presence
of cavity-causing bacteria. This helps us understand the likelihood of
tooth decay and identify the underlying causes.
With this i-oral cavity test, we can plan and provide the preventive program
for each patient.
5 points in our preventive treatment of child’s decayed teeth
- Proper eating habits
- Teeth brushing habits
- Fluoride
- Regular check-up & maintenance
- Sealant
①Proper eating habits
It is important to decide eating and snack time and the size of them. According
to the risks each child has, we guide about meals and nutrition.
②Teeth brushing habits
Daily teeth brushing is a base of prevention of decayed teeth. We doctors
and dental hygienists tell you how to brush teeth in polite way.
To prevent decayed teeth, it is important to use fluoride.
Q.What’s fluoride?
Fluoride is one of natural elements which strengthen teeth. It is the most
effective element to make teeth strong and it used to prevent decayed teeth.
Actually, we always eat fluoride which is essential nutrient. We should
care our teeth at home and we should receive professional care in dental
This is the most effective.
A case of self-care by fluoride
Fluoride mouth-rinsing
We can prevent decayed teeth by this rinsing after tooth brushing .If with
fluoride mouthwash..
④Regular check-up & maintenance
Unfortunately, it is difficult to find early decayed tooth. To prevent
it, we need to remove bacteria and dental tartar. Checking your tooth brushing
and applying fluoride on teeth are also needed, so we recommend you receive
regular check-up and maintenance.
We fill teeth space with sealant which is composed of tree resin and fluoride
because new adult teeth are week and they have deeper teeth space.
c.c. Prevention for afunctional occlusion
Prevention of afunctional occlusion and treatment; Oral Functional Orthodontic
Afunctional occlusion means that teeth are not lined straight or upper
and lower jaw cannot engage. If you are in this condition, you are difficult
to bite meals and cannot pronounce in right way. In addition, you become
to have periodontal disease (gum disease) and decayed teeth easily.
When growing children have afunctional occlusion, it has an affect to their
growth. We recommend you to approach dentists if you mind and of course
we can treat it.
Oral Functional Orthodontic Therapy (OFOT) is the treatment which promote
growth of body, head and jaw and get teeth straightened. Patients will
get not only beautiful teeth arrangement but also heathy arrangement and
occlusion. They support patients’ general health.
If you mind your or your child’s teeth arrangement, visit the page of OFOT.
d. Prevention for periodontal disease
Children, at the time of puberty, have a strong tendency to get periodontal
disease. 12 or 13years old children have all adult tooth except for wisdom
teeth and as this, more they have inflammation on their gum.
Correct teeth brushing and eating habits are preventive base of periodontal
disease. We hope patients and their children to get regular instruction
of brushing and PMTC (Professional Mechanical Tooth Cleaning) for prevention.
e. i-Preventive for children
We examine decayed teeth, occlusion and gingivitis at first. As oral condition
and life style, we guide nutrition and tooth brushing enough. If children
at earlier age, we instruct patients about finish brushing. We also get
children to wash their mouth with fluoride by age and we apply highly-concentrated
fluoride, sealant and PMTC.
The first goal is healthy permanent dentition.
Most children receive our prevention, are caries free.
(Caries means decayed teeth.)